(W3-1)Media Trends and Globalization Classroom QnA - Choi Min Joon

 Q1. How could a fusion culture look in 100 years?

A1. Globalization is accelerating further with advances in technology. The boundaries between countries will be blurred, and the development of technology will reduce language barriers between countries, leading to more cultural exchanges. In 100 years, I think the convergence culture will become a new type of culture, not a global culture led by major countries around the world. Simultaneous new cultures will emerge in many forms, and those cultures will mix with each other and create new cultures. The difference between this convergence culture and global culture is that there is no major country leading the culture, but the earth evolves into a true global culture in which culture is born and exchanged immediately like a country.

Q2. Can cultures be compared? Can we argue that some cultures are better than others?

A2. I think it is possible to compare between cultures. There are certainly commonalities and differences between different cultures, and actions to the extent of comparing them will be possible. However, the act of determining the superiority and inferiority between those cultures, or judging right and wrong should not be done. Because each culture exists for a reason, and we have to respect each other among them. It is not our job to judge that our culture is better, and that the culture enjoyed by others is worse. However, it is essential to prohibit and restrain criminal groups or those that harm the order of society from calling them culture.


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