Online blog writing assignment 1 / What is globalization? / Kim Soongki(김숭기)


This article covers the concept and characteristics of globalization and the debates surrounding it. Globalization is a general question that encompasses a variety of disciplinary perspectives and worldviews that can be found in different parts of the world. This document is interested in distinguishing the characteristic elements of globalization and does not address specific topics within the paradigm of globalization. Globalization is characterized by a conflict between those who see it as an end in economic terms and those who take a broader view. The document also highlights the need to recognize two different uses of globalization. The document addresses the movement to recognize inequality in the economic aspects of globalization and to develop a global consciousness. It also addresses the growing support for open markets, free trade, deregulation, and privatization, along with the growing importance of countries advocating for these policies. The article also points out that by focusing on the economic concept of globalization, social science elements have been largely neglected. A more diverse approach to globalization is based on the simple observation that the world is becoming a single place, and this has had a major impact on the trajectory of disciplines such as sociology, political science, and anthropology. The document also discusses the parameters of the general process of globalization, arguing that the most important feature of globalization is increased connectivity. The document emphasizes the need to consider different disciplinary perspectives and viewpoints to enhance our understanding of globalization.

Interesting point

- The international system is in a very confusing and strange state right now because, while the United States seems to be able to act unilaterally, its dominance is increasingly destabilized by the challenge of Islamic extremists. We also need to consider the rapidly expanding power of China and Russia. In other words, the international system is currently in a very confusing and strange state.

- Environmental issues are very important when it comes to the international system for several reasons. Environmental issues play an important role in competition and cooperation between nations. For example, competition between nations can lead to resource competition and environmental degradation, and cooperation between nations requires international efforts to address environmental issues. Therefore, it is interesting to note that it is very important to address environmental issues in the international system.

Discussion point

McDonald's is a successful global fast food chain that operates successfully in other countries as well. However, in South Korea, McDonald's experienced an early globalization failure. 

When McDonald's first entered the Korean market in 1988, it was not successful. One of the reasons was that Korean food culture and consumer tastes are quite different from other countries. McDonald's later found success by introducing menu items that were specific to the Korean market, such as the "Bulgogi Burger," and by using marketing strategies that took into account the tastes of Korean consumers.

What are some of the failures of such glocalization and the factors that contribute to them?


  1. I'd like to suggest the 'SUBWAY' example in China as a failure of glocalization.

    'SUBWAY' is a well-known fast-food franchise that sells sandwiches. Although SUBWAY entered China 5 years earlier than McDonald's, McDonald's currently has 4,300 outlets, while SUBWAY only has 400.

    Rather than adopting glocalization, SUBWAY wanted consumers to adapt to their standard sandwich specifications. Instead of offering sandwiches tailored to the Chinese palate, they insisted on selling their own type of sandwiches.

    This factor could be one of the reasons for their failure in China.


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