Online blog writing assignment 1 / What is globalization? / Choisieon

1) Summary

 This article explains what globalization is.

First of all, to explain globalization, it can be general that culture, perspectives, and ideologies that appear in certain countries are the same or similar in other countries.  At the same time, globalization also has the characteristic of being specific because it includes many different topics. It is difficult to define globalization it self as just one thing, and given the similarities between definitions, this is an unnecessary debate. Nevertheless, this article tries to provide consistent statement because of the controversy that exists.

Interest in globalization began centuries ago. But the global use of the term began after the fall of the Berlin Wall in 1989, and the fall of communism.

However, this did not only provoke a positive response from globalization. The anti-globalization movement was active in the late 1990s. It began to criticize capitalistic globalization, with the argument that it would lead to huge inequality by Western society. Indeed, many important social scientific factors were greatly neglected in focusing on the concept of capitalistic globalization.

Nevertheless, this is when globalization is viewed only from an economic view, before that, in the late 1970s, a multidimensional approach to globalization was rather achieved. In addition to economics, globalization should be judged from the perspective of sociology, politics, and anthropology.

There are so many people who think that the most important definition of globalization is to increase interconnectivity. However, they are not paying attention to the complex consequences of increasing interconnectivity.

When the world is connected, cultural elements also come into contact. Conflicts between cultures can also occur at this time. Therefore dimension of consciousness should also be considered. 

In modern society, globalization has been associated with an economic perspective, and connectivity has been regarded by economists as a defining feature of globalization, but consciousness has been studied in part by anthropologists and sociologists.

Huntington thus suggests that civilization conflicts may arise as a result of globalization. For example, like "Judeo-Cristian," religious conflicts have caused the 9/11 terror, and numerous conflicts over material resources are also occurring in modern society.

After all, globalization needs to be analyzed in various dimensions. Globalization can be defined as having economic, political, cultural, and social dimensions. Among them, the cultural dimension is attracting attention as it can induce social and economic dimensions in a chain. For example, McDonald's, which can be found anywhere else in the world, can be seen to make the country resemble the United States. Besides, many U.S. companies are deployed around the world, and U.S. practices spread around the world. 

Of course, the concept of localization emerges at this time. There are McDonald's all over the world, but the menu has different characteristics in each region. If the consequences of globalization are homogenization, it is a big problem. However, the concept of localization between local and global can be seen as a concept that proves the continuity of local.

In the end, what characteristics can be explained to define globalization. First, the form of globalization is an international-systemic aspect that considers multiculturality and multiraciality in the current situation where rapid population movement is increasing.

Second, there is an aspect that covers the concept of humans, emphasizing that they should not be trapped in the general framework of global change, and emphasizing experiencing individualization of each human being. Third, there are individual selves that appear in the international community over time. Currently, the international community is in a state of chaotic liquidity. For this reason, social confusion should be prevented by considering interconnectivity as well as consciousness and cultural factors. Fourth, there is consideration for changing humanity. Analysis of the concept of human rights itself and expansion of human rights are taking place fluidly.

As a result, the tendency of globalization increases global connectivity and raises global awareness. Globalization also focuses on global politics, individuals, humanity, and nation-states with certain forms through the un. Finally, as mentioned above, globalization appears in economics, sociology, politics, and anthropological dimensions, interacting with each other.

2) Interesting point

What was interesting about reading this article was that the concept of globalization was in contact with capitalism. In addition, we have only studied the merits of globalization, and we can see the problems behind it. It was surprising that events such as the 9/11 terror could also be explained in connection with globalization.

It is true that many countries, including the Republic of Korea, have developed through globalization. But it also lost things like traditional culture in it lost. In some of modern Korean literature reflect this content. It was an article that I could think of both sides.

3) Discuss

Conclusion In the paragraph, it is said to have a specific form completed by the establishment of the UN organization. However, the power of world politics is hard to find when looking at many issues, including the war in Ukraine and numerous coups in Africa. Maybe article was probably made when the United States was playing a big role as an international police, but I wonder if the content does not match the current situation.


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