Online blog writing assignment 1 / What is globalization? / ZHANG RUIQING


 In the article, the author mentions that "globalization" is an inherently controversial concept. It has both universality and specificity. It is universal because it almost inevitably covers many disciplinary perspectives and worldviews from different parts of the world. It is specific because we are concerned with the division of the different features of so-called globalization.

 The article points out that globalization mainly includes two trends:  First, globalization consists primarily of two major directional tendencies, increasing global connectivity and increasing global consciousness.  Consciousness does not imply consensus, merely a shared sense of the world as a whole.  Second, globalization has a particular form, one which has been, to all intents and purposes, consummated by the founding of the United Nations organization.  Third, globalization is constituted by four major facets of human life – namely, the cultural, the social, the political and the economic.  These dimensions are in reality heavily intertwined, one or two aspects being more prominent at any given time or place.  For example, in the modern world the cultural and the economic are closely interpenetrative.

 Besides, Globalization is focused upon four points of reference: nation-states;  world politics;  individuals;  and humankind.  

Interesting aspect

The McDonald's story reveals the homogeneity and heterogeneity of globalization. As can be seen from the way projects such as McDonald's and other fast-food restaurants are implemented, the expansion of capitalism around the world seems to inevitably involve the promotion of cultural themes.


There are three major dimensions of such: the economic, the political and the cultural.  In the process of globalization, enterprises must carefully consider localization factors, including culture, market needs, laws and regulations, to ensure adaptation and successful entry into new markets. Companies like McDonald's and Starbucks have successfully entered markets in other countries. Are there examples of localization failures in the process of globalization? What are the specific reasons for the failure of localization?


  1. Hello!I read your article.And You made an interesting point.The article intriguingly explores the multifaceted nature of globalization, using the McDonald's story to illustrate both its universal and specific aspects, while also prompting thoughtful consideration of localization failures in the global business landscape.


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