What is globalization? / Han Jiseung

 What is Globalization?


Through this article, we can discuss various aspects of 'globalization' and we can attempt to characterize them. First of all, there have been various views of many scholars trying to define 'globalization'. Velho was the first mentioned in this article, who described globalization as an object, a perspective and a horizon. In fact, humans have long been interested in globalization, but it was only in the late 1980s or early 1990s that they formed practical academic discourse. Therefore, not only do there exist various views on this, but the negative elements of globalization have also attracted attention when problems between countries emerge.

Globalization, a pan-global concept rather than internationalization, develops in two main directions: an increase in global connectivity and an increase in global consciousness. Many existing studies tend to pay attention to one of these, and it is better to think about both connectivity and consciousness rather than one aspect. In addition, the main dimensions of globalization consist of cultural, social, political, and economic aspects, which are intricately intertwined in the real world. Therefore, we need to look at this by applying various perspectives and perspectives to enhance our understanding of globalization.

[Interesting point]

In this article, it was most impressive to be wary of the view that used to think of 'global' and 'local' as different concepts. Especially, the expression "different side of the same coin" is impressive. The idea that it should be thought together was fresh. This was especially true because I had memories of learning 'globalization' and 'localization' as opposing concepts in school from an early ages.


I want to talk about how the word 'global' or 'glocal' is used in our daily lives and in what circumstances we find it.

In my case, I think of an interesting case of Korea. Many of the names of university campuses in small local cities in Korea include "glocal." The meaning of glocal used here is "globalization that takes advantage of the characteristics of the area where the campus is located." This was used as a message of hope to expect the future of a region on the verge of extinction in Korea, where most of the country's capabilities are concentrated in the capital Seoul and surrounding cities.


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