What is the relationship between culture and globalization?

Cultural globalization is an organic component of globalization, which, together with economic globalization, political globalization, technological globalization, and human identity globalization, constitutes a wave of globalization. They interact and influence each other and jointly push the wave of globalization forward. Globalization is bound to be accompanied by cultural globalization, which in turn promotes the process of globalization. Culture is fluid in space, not only inherited in time but also created. Obviously, globalization has created a brand-new cultural context, which brings about a break of the times. In the context of globalization, the traditional way of thinking, that is, the dispute between ancient and modern China and the West and the dispute between body and use, has lost its effectiveness in responding to and explaining the cultural problems in contemporary China. Contemporary cultural development is undergoing a paradigm shift. From the above, it can be seen that globalization itself is a cultural phenomenon and a product of cultural development to a certain historical stage. Generally speaking, globalization itself is a cultural globalization. However, from the narrow cultural point of view, cultural globalization is an important part of globalization, which together with economic globalization, political globalization, scientific and technological globalization, and human identity globalization constitutes a wave of globalization, and they interact and influence each other to jointly push the wave of globalization forward. On the one hand, cultural globalization has promoted the development of other contents of globalization; On the other hand, other contents of globalization have promoted the development of cultural globalization. Although cultural globalization is interrelated and intertwined with economic and political globalization, it is clearly defined with economic and political globalization. Economic globalization and political globalization constitute the external level of globalization, while cultural globalization is the internal level of globalization. Cultural globalization refers to the flow and interaction of various cultural forms in the world under the two-dimensional tension of "mutual integration" and "mutual difference", thus becoming increasingly synchronous and common. It can be seen that with the development of the world economy and information technology, the cultures of all ethnic groups are communicating, complementing, and communicating with each other, and at the same time, they are breaking through regional restrictions and ethnic patterns and moving towards the whole world culture. Therefore, cultural globalization includes two aspects. On the one hand, each national culture transcends itself and approaches the world culture, thus continuously gaining cultural recognition; On the other hand, world culture relies more and more on the support of national cultural resources, thus realizing the interaction and transformation between national culture and world culture, individual culture and shared culture. It must be emphasized that globalization is not equal to the integration of the world, and cultural globalization is not the homogenization of world culture. That is to say, "harmony" and "sameness" of culture are not the same. Cultural globalization refers to the "harmony" of "harmony without difference" and refers to the multi-cultural combination form produced by multi-directional cultural flow and integration, rather than the "sameness" of various cultures tending to be the same. In this way, globalization has appeared such a phenomenon in the cultural field: on the one hand, cultural globalization has brought the world closer to "similarity" and made the world more and more similar; On the other hand, cultural globalization makes the world close to "difference" and makes the differences between cultures bigger and bigger. And the "harmony" of culture is the dialectical unity of "similarity" and "difference". It can be seen that globalization and cultural globalization are different from each other, but they are internally related. They promote each other, influence each other and jointly promote the development of the world.


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