[2nd Assignment] What is the relation between culture and globalization? –XIA YIRONG

1)     Summary

This article delves into the intricate tapestry that is the connection between globalization and culture, emphasizing their inextricable linkage. The author posits that globalization constitutes a labyrinthine, multifaceted phenomenon, where culture is but one thread in the intricate weave. More significantly, culture is not a passive player but an active force that both feels the impact of globalization and, in turn, forges and shapes it.

The author argues that globalization is a shape-shifting, intricate phenomenon that cannot be reduced to a mere conveyor of a single, universal global culture. The article also touches on the promising potential of deterritorialization, a concept that encourages cultural openness, human interconnectedness, and a heightened sense of global ethical responsibility. While it may disrupt our local experiences, it expands our cultural horizons. From this perspective, the author suggests that deterritorialization offers an optimistic perspective for addressing the wide array of cultural and political challenges that stem from global interconnectivity.

Furthermore, the author contends that globalization plays a role in both the creation and dissemination of cultural identities. Additionally, the author advocates for the utilization of the idea of universal human rights to champion cultural diversity and foster global consensus.

2)    Interesting Point

What seized my attention was the article's portrayal of cultural identity as an institution. The author's emphasis on cultural identity as a product of modernity and a socially institutionalized entity prompts a deeper contemplation of how cultural identity is not a mere given but rather a multifaceted cultural phenomenon intricately interwoven with rights, policies, and social dynamics.

3) Discussion

In this era of globalization, where the global internet, media, and mobility wield profound influence, the critical question emerges: How can individuals and societies actively participate in global culture and embrace universal values while preserving the authenticity of their local cultural distinctiveness? How can cultural identities successfully maintain a harmonious equilibrium between their traditional regional attributes and their global affiliations?


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