Reading Assignment 2: “What is the relation between culture and globalization?”——ZHONG XIN

 1) Summary

This article provides a general account of the intertwined and inseparable relationship between globalization and culture. The author suggests that globalization is a complex, multidimensional process that encompasses a number of areas, including culture, and that culture is not only affected by globalization, but also shapes and generates it.

The author argues that globalization is an ever-changing and complex process that should not be simply equated with the emergence of a single global culture. The article also refers to the positive potential of the phenomenon of de-territorialization, namely that it can promote cultural openness, human interoperability and a sense of global ethical responsibility. Although it disrupts the experience of locality, it contributes to a broader cultural vision. So in the authors' view, de-territorialization may offer an optimistic outlook for dealing with the wide range of cultural and political challenges posed by global connectivity.

In addition the author argues that globalization can be a factor in the creation and diffusion of cultural identities and that the concept of global human rights can be used to promote cultural diversity and global consensus.

2) Interesting Point

What I found interesting was the article's institutionalization of cultural identity. The author's emphasis on cultural identity as a product of modernity, an institutionalized entity, invites one to think about how cultural identity is socially and politically institutionalized. This suggests that it does not simply exist, but is a complex cultural phenomenon closely linked to rights, policies and social relations.

3) Discussion

In the era of globalization and the impact of the global Internet, media and mobility, how can individuals and societies participate in global culture and share global values while retaining local cultural characteristics? How can cultural identities maintain a balance between traditional regional and global identities?


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