Class question-is WTO promoting responsible globalizationn,or just helping the rich countries?-YUE JUNTONG

 I think the WTO is only helping wealthy countries, that is, vested interests led by Western developed countries. The WTO was indeed a tremendous international organization at the beginning, but as time passed, no matter how great its ideals were, they eventually began to decay. The WTO began to force some poor countries to open their markets, allowing developed countries to dump goods wantonly and squeeze the local industries of these poor countries. At the same time, developed countries use trade rules to purchase high-quality assets in these countries, turning poor countries into providers of resources and dumping grounds for excess goods. Facing the powerful alliance of developed countries behind the WTO, weak countries cannot compete and can only be at its mercy. Based on the above. The meaning of the existence of the WTO has changed. Objective neutrality has turned into profit-seeking. The credibility of the Shimao Organization has been severely hit. The future WTO can retrieve the lost great ideals and give those weak countries a bright future full of hope.


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