Class question-Why asean members do not include Chian Korea or Japan?Can asean grow to become a real Asian union?

The establishment of ASEAN itself is to integrate the political output of Southeast Asian countries against China and the United States. Japan and South Korea are deeply influenced by the politics of the United States and are also targets of ASEAN's confrontation. Moreover, China, Japan and South Korea belong to the East Asian cultural circle and are influenced by Chinese civilization, which is different from the Southeast Asian cultural circle to which ASEAN member states belong.

ASEAN cannot become a true Asian alliance. Judging from the current international situation, if China does not join ASEAN, then ASEAN will not be able to represent Asian countries. Similarly, Japan and South Korea are controlled by the United States and will not easily join ASEAN. Excluding Russia, China, Japan and South Korea are the most powerful countries in Asia. Whether it is political power, economic strength or military power, China, Japan and South Korea are difficult for ASEAN to compete with. ASEAN without China, Japan and South Korea has no chance of becoming a true Asian alliance.


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