Extra credit blog: China and globalization - Choi Min Joon

China and globalization

 Globalization is closely related to China. China is in an important position among countries in the world. Globalization is characterized by reducing the physical spacing between countries and creating various new cultures through exchanges between countries. China has a deep relationship with globalization due to this characteristic of globalization. Due to the large land and large population, various cultures exist within the country, and a large number of populations go abroad and exchange various exchanges. It has the effect of spreading many cultures around the world.

Does globalization help China?

 Globalization helps China. As I said earlier, China is in an important position in the global economy. China has the advantage of having a large land and a large population. Therefore, it has a strong competitive edge in manufacturing and import and export. Many of these characteristics and globalization are benefiting greatly. Through globalization, companies in many countries and China have become closely related, such as manufacturing factories in China. So I think globalization is definitely helpful for China.

Does China Help Globalization?

 I think that helping globalization should promote exchanges or give diversity between countries. In this respect, China is certainly helping. It is clear that China is an indispensable country in globalization. This is especially true in terms of economics. Among the world's countries, the size and population of the competitive land are great advantages in globalization. There is a side to promoting globalization through him. However, in terms of culture, there is a side that tries to take away the culture of other countries rather than accepting them. I think this is an act that detracts from globalization.


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