In Class Discussion : Why ASEAN members do not include CH, KR, JP, and IN? Can ASEAN grow to become a real Asian Union? - Han Jiseung

First, the others are not 'neighbors'. I mean, the environment in which KR,CH,JP,IN,etc. have civilized and grown is very different from that in ASEAN. The impact of the environment on humans is enormous. The clothes are different, the food is different, and the buildings are different. These differences have made a significant cultural difference from other Asian countries, and it will be difficult to sufficiently form the consensus of the people needed to form a direct alliance. In addition, the idea is that other Asian countries will not want solidarity beyond just economic cooperation for similar reasons. 

And one of ASEAN's objectives will be to check other Asian giants. Their regions, such as the South China Sea and the Singapore Strait, are the important trade routes from India, Europe to East Asia. It controls the region and will be aimed at preserving its own interests by preventing other countries (China or India) from expanding their power. Therefore, I think there will be a strong idea to protect the advantages that we have now, rather than expanding our power, including other Asian countries.

For this reason, ASEAN has not and will not include other countries such as East Asian countries or India. Therefore, I think there will be limits to their progress toward a true 'Asian Union'.


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