Media Trends and globalization/World Values Survey

1. What is World Value Survey?

The World Value Survey is a global research project initiated by Ronald Ingelhardt, focusing on values and beliefs.Over time, these perceptions are slowly changing, and perceptions of government decision-making and national society are affecting national development.The study was endorsed by many authoritative organizations and quickly became one of the most widely used and focused projects since 1981.

The survey was conducted seven times from 1981 to 2020.The questionnaire was used to survey the representative groups of each country.It contains the most interesting values around the world, including democratization, inclusion of foreigners and minorities, gender equality, religious beliefs, and the impact of globalization.and subjective perceptions of the environment, work, family, politics, culture, security, national identity and diversity.The survey is also drawing attention, and the results of the survey are pushing for systems around the world.

2. What is the result of the World Values Survey?

The latest World Value Survey started in 2017 and ended in mid-2020.The survey was conducted in 77 countries, including the U.S., Australia, and Vietnam, with more than 129,000 samples.The findings vary from country to country, reflecting the impact of different factors on the worldview of individual countries.

China: The survey on China was completed in 2018.The survey reveals the concept of a mass power, with China's political power predominating and science and technology relatively weak.According to the survey, most people believe that China is a political power, which shows that the Chinese people have confidence in their country's political status in the international community.Second, the Chinese view the United States. Most people think they know the United States very well. Only 2.4 percent say they know very little about the United States.China's view of its neighbors is that Japan, Russia, and South Korea are among the top three countries understood most.Overall, China maintains some affinity with its neighbors.The Chinese people have always been influenced by Europe, so they think Europe is the center of the world.This shows that the concept of Europe is of particular importance to the Chinese people.

With the deepening of the concept of globalization, China's relationship with the rest of the world has deepened.The Chinese's view of the world is also changing through overseas travel, foreign purchases, and employment, and people's view of the world is gradually expanding.But in China's long-term development period, there is still a lack of publicity for itself.China has not been heard in many parts of the world.Therefore, China needs to quickly adjust its strategy to strengthen its cultural exports to foreign countries, while enhancing its comprehensive strength.As for the concept of work, the Chinese people think that work is very important in life.I also think I can sacrifice my break time for work.Think of your job as a social responsibility. If you don't work, you'll become lazy.

Russia: Russian public confidence in its politics is growing as the country's pride and pride peaked in 2017.On the economic front, Russia is the first to experience economic difficulties and a limited standard of living for its people.Later, through changes in political decision-making and other factors, the national economy was greatly enhanced and the people's national pride was greatly.Russia is a nation with high national pride compared to other countries.Russia ranks relatively low on the question of "Does work matter in life?"This shows that Russians value their lifestyle and do not reduce happiness by working.The findings also indicate that Russia is highly inclusive of people of different ethnicities and religions and that inter-ethnic bias is widespread.

Japan: Since the bubble economy, Japan's economy has been in a cold winter, causing economic growth to stagnate.Although the economy is recovering gradually, people are not optimistic about their future economic development, the survey showed.The way we view the family has also changed significantly.In the past, it was taken for granted that families were always together, but now it would be nice to be together, but if you feel burdened, you don't have to force yourself to live together.Nearly 90 percent of Japanese now think their lives are happy. Family, friends, free time and work are very important.As a result of the Japanese's growing pride in themselves, senior citizens aged 70 or older were more proud of themselves as Japanese.The younger you are, the weaker your national pride becomes.The Japanese people believe that Japan's education, technology and culture are moving in a good direction.But society's arrival, environment, security and politics are slowly regressing.

3. The Role of World Value Surveys?

The World Value Survey provides a clearer understanding of people's values and a comprehensive understanding of the social and political implications of these phenomena.Because values can reflect people's social attitudes and behavior, this can lead to certain phenomena.Through extensive data analysis, we can see the attitudes of countries towards the economy, politics and beliefs.This survey provides stronger evidence for analysing globalization.


  1. I would like to add one more point about the influence of world values.
    The influence of world values is complex and far-reaching. It not only affects people's views and attitudes towards the world, but also affects people's behavior and decision-making. World values have a profound impact on people's perceptions and ways of thinking. Different values will lead to differences in people's cognition and judgment of things, thus affecting people's attitudes and behaviors. For example, in some cultures, individualism is seen as an important value, and people focus on individual rights and freedoms, while in other cultures, collectivism is more important, and people pay more attention to team interests and social responsibilities. World values also have an important influence on people's behavior and decision-making. Values can inspire people to work hard to achieve their goals, and they can also guide people to make decisions that are consistent with their beliefs and principles. For example, in some cultures, people value family and affection, so they may make decisions about family and relatives differently than in other cultures. World values also influence people's views and attitudes toward others. Different values will affect people's evaluation and reaction to other people's actions and speeches, thereby affecting people's interpersonal relationships and social interactions. For example, in some cultures respect for others is seen as an important value and people will treat others with courtesy and respect, while in other cultures individual rights are taken more seriously and people may be more direct and candid in expressing own thoughts and opinions. World values also influence society's culture and institutions. Different values will lead to different social systems and cultural practices, thus affecting the operation and development of the entire society. For example, in some countries, democracy is regarded as an important value, so these countries practice democratic institutions and cultural customs, while in other countries, monarchy or dictatorship is taken more seriously, so the institutions and customs of these countries are also different in other countries.
    The impact of world values on human society is complex and far-reaching. It not only affects people's cognition and way of thinking about the world, but also affects people's behavior and decision-making. It also affects society's culture and systems. Therefore, knowing and understanding world values is of great significance for us to better adapt to different cultural and social environments.


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