Reading Assignment 3: “What is the relation between politics and globalization?”——ZHANG LINYUE

 1) Summary

 Political globalization is a phenomenon that transcends national boundaries and encompasses multiple dimensions, accelerating and interconnecting in space and time. It emphasizes post-national and transnational processes and the compressed nature of space and time. Political globalization encompasses the dimensions of global geopolitics, global normative culture and polycentric networks, and it has shaped the complex field of global politics. It emphasizes the diversity and complexity of globalization, making politics no longer confined to national borders but closely linked to global issues. The globalization of politics is not only a geopolitical challenge, but also a legitimization of global norms and cultures and the shaping of global politics. This phenomenon of globalization plays an important role in global politics.
 In THE TRANSFORMATION OF THE NATION-STATE, NATIONALITY AND CITIZENSHIP, globalization has transformed the State but has not led to its collapse. States are no longer in full control of globalization, the relationship with ethnicity and nationality has changed, and the boundaries between international and domestic law are blurred. States must share sovereignty and adapt to pluralistic governance. Globalization has led to a polarization of nations and nationalities and has given rise to new nationalist movements. States and nations now pursue different logics, requiring a rethinking of the traditional concept of the State.
 In THE TRANSFORMATION OF THE PUBLIC SPHERE AND COMMUNICATION paragraph, it is illustrated that politics is closely related to globalization, communication and the public sphere. Communication is an important site of political and cultural debate. Nation states are based on centralized communication systems such as education, media, cultural events and popular culture. Globalization has changed this scenario, creating an open global public sphere that is no longer entirely controlled by institutionalized or political bodies. The global public plays a key role in political communication, shaping and interpreting global issues. Global normative culture dominates political communication, with increased influence from global civil society.
 In THE CENTRALITY OF CIVIL SOCIETY, it is explained that globalization has transformed politics and civil society, leading to the emergence of new international communities, networks and public connections with far-reaching consequences for global politics. Civil society represents the political potential of globalization and marks the emergence of bottom-up globalization. The "socialization of civil society" in politics has contributed to this trend, helping social actors to coordinate policies across national borders and foster international cooperation. The concept emphasizes the commonality of political forms, linking the local and the global, the national and the transnational, in order to synergize the mobilization of various actors. Global civil society, led by non-governmental organizations, transnational social movements and international advocacy networks, works to challenge national hegemony and the global capitalist system, emphasizing human rights, democracy and individual freedoms.
 In THE TRANSFORMATION OF SPACES AND BORDERS paragraph, it is illustrated that globalization has led to a rethinking of borders and spaces, emphasizing new political spaces and ways of connectivity. This includes the growing importance of mobility, fluidity, and networked connections, as well as the rise of new global spaces. Borders are no longer seen as singular and exclusive, but as plural, overlapping and individualized. Globalization has also created new roles for subnational regions, giving rise to "world cities" and cosmopolitan spaces. In the process, the role and significance of borders have been reassessed, while mobility has become independent of geographic space, reflecting the changing relationship between borders and territories in the context of globalization.

2) Interesting Point

To my surprise, not only has global civil society permeated international relations, but more and more nation-states are choosing to mobilize support for actors in global civil society.


3) Discussion

Do you think that global civil society, as it continues to evolve, will become a determining factor in the political landscape of globalization?



  1. Great post, thanks for sharing.

    I think the role of global civil society in the political landscape of globalization is a complex
    and evolving phenomenon, and while it's hard to make clear predictions,

    I think it's relatively certain that global civil society has the potential to have a decisive impact
    on the political landscape of globalization.
    Here are some links I've attached.

    Here _>



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