Reading Assignment 3 : What is the relation between politics and globalization (Maxime Falconnier)

1. Summarize 

In this Reading, Gerard Delanty and Chris Rumford explore the multidimensional and interconnected organization of space and time across national borders, with a focus on postnational and transnational processes. The authors argue that globalization is not a new phenomenon, but rather a continuation of historical processes of social transformation. They identify three dynamics of political globalization: the transformation of nationality and citizenship, the public sphere and political communication, and space and borders.

The first dynamic, the transformation of nationality and citizenship, challenges the traditional concept of the nation-state as a sovereign actor. The authors argue that the decline of the nation-state in a post-statist world of governance without government should be replaced by the idea of the continued transformation of the nation-state. States continue to be powerful actors but exist in a more globally connected world that they do not fully control. The authors also discuss the emergence of new forms of citizenship, such as cosmopolitan citizenship, which transcends national boundaries and emphasizes global responsibilities.

The second dynamic, the public sphere and political communication, explores the impact of globalization on the formation of public opinion and political discourse. The authors argue that globalization has led to the emergence of a global public sphere, which is characterized by the circulation of information and ideas across national borders. This has created new opportunities for political participation and mobilization, but also new challenges, such as the spread of disinformation and the erosion of democratic norms.

The third dynamic, space and borders, examines the impact of globalization on the organization of space and the regulation of borders. The authors argue that globalization has led to the emergence of a global knowledge economy and a networked society, which are characterized by the circulation of people, goods, and ideas across national borders. This has created new opportunities for economic growth and cultural exchange, but also new challenges, such as the erosion of national sovereignty and the rise of transnational governance.

To conclude, the authors argue that political globalization is a complex and multifaceted process that is transforming the nature of politics and society in the 21st century. They emphasize the need for a critical and nuanced approach to understanding globalization, one that recognizes both its potential benefits and its potential drawbacks. They also stress the importance of global governance and cooperation in addressing the challenges posed by globalization, such as climate change, economic inequality, and political instability.

2. Interesting aspect 

I found very interesting the concept of ”cosmopolitan citizenship”. As we know, nation-state can be in decline. Our modern world tend to be more global, more open to every country. That’s the concept of globalization. The emergence of cosmopolitan can be seen as a new form of citizenship that goes beyond national boundaries. This concept not only reflects the evolving nature of citizenship but also opens up avenues for individuals to identify with a broader, global community, emphasizing a sense of interconnexion and shared responsibilities on a worldwide scale.

3. Discussion 

Should countries implied in globalization, abandoned their national citizenship, in a way to set up a cosmopolitan citizenship, in order to accelerate interconnexion between countries all over the world, and create a global community ?


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