“What is the relation between politics and globalization?"(Blog assignment 3) - Sarang Yoon


It discusses the concept of political globalization and its impact on the autonomy of nation-states. The authors argue that the nation-state has become dislocated from the state due to the conditions of globalization. The political community of the nation does not exercise sovereignty over the state and the state has lost much of its sovereignty. The rise of subnational politics, such as global cities, is also discussed as a product of the de-nationalization of the nation-state and the rise of non-territorial politics.

The transformation of the public sphere and communication is another key point discussed in this file. Nation-states have been based on centralized systems of communication, but with the rise of globalization, communication has become more decentralized and transnational, challenging the traditional structures of the nation-state. The authors argue that communication is central to politics and that the challenges arising from the decentralization and transnationalization of communication systems need to be addressed in order to understand the impact of political globalization on the autonomy of nation-states.

Interesting Point

One interesting point of this article is the argument that the idea of the decline of the nation-state in a post-statist world of governance without government should be replaced by the idea of the continued transformation of the nation-state. This perspective challenges the common assumption that globalization leads to the decline of the nation-state and instead highlights the complex and interconnected nature of global politics. The authors also discuss the rise of subnational politics, such as global cities, which is a unique perspective that is not often discussed in other articles on political globalization. This highlights the importance of understanding the impact of globalization on different levels of political organization, beyond just the nation-state.


1.  How has political globalization impacted the autonomy of nation-states? Do you think that globalization has led to the decline of the nation-state, or has it transformed the nation-state in new ways? What are some examples of how the nation-state has responded to the challenges of globalization?

2.  The authors argue that communication is central to politics and that the decentralization and transnationalization of communication systems has challenged the traditional structures of the nation-state. How has the rise of social media and other digital technologies impacted political communication and the autonomy of nation-states? What are some solutions to address the challenges arising from this transformation?


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