Extra credit blog: China and globalization——DENGQIN

1."Is globalization good for China?

Globalization has been largely beneficial for China, contributing to significant economic growth, poverty reduction, and technology transfer. However, it has also led to income inequality, environmental challenges, and social disruptions. The overall impact depends on how well China addresses these challenges and ensures the equitable distribution of benefits across its population.So I think globalization is good and bad for China.

Positive Aspects:

1)conomic Growth: Globalization has contributed significantly to the rapid growth of China's economy over the past few decades. Increased trade, foreign direct investment and access to global markets have driven China's economic growth.

2)Job creation: Increased foreign investment and trade have led to job creation in China in various sectors. China has become a global manufacturing hub, providing employment opportunities for its vast population.

Negative Aspects:

1)Income inequality: While economic growth has benefited many, it has also exacerbated income inequality in China.The gap between urban and rural areas and between regions has widened.

2)Dependence on global markets: China's heavy reliance on exports and global markets makes its economy vulnerable to international economic volatility.Recessions in other parts of the world could have a major impact on China.

2.Is China good for globalization?

China plays a pivotal role in the process of globalization, contributing to its expansion in many ways.As the world's second-largest economy, China has been a major driver of global economic growth, boosting international trade and investment.Therefore, I think China is beneficial to the development of globalization.

China's role in globalization is its Belt and Road Initiative (BRI). Launched in 2013, the BRI is a massive infrastructure and economic development project that spans multiple countries and continents. It aims to enhance connectivity and trade between China and other regions by building ports, railways, roads, and other infrastructure.The BRI fosters global economic integration, stimulates development in participating countries, and creates new trade routes.


  1. Thank you for letting me know how China is facing the problems of globalisation. I think China is also facing some challenges in the process of globalisation. For example, there are differences with other countries on some geopolitical issues, which may affect stability and cooperation in some regions. In addition, China faces criticism from the international community on human rights, including freedom of expression, which affects its image in globalisation.


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