Extra credit blog: China and globalization_Jiwon PARK

Is globalization good for China?

 Globalization and China: Positive and negative aspects

Globalization refers to the increasing economic, cultural, and technological interdependence between countries, which has both positive and negative aspects. China, in particular, has emerged as one of the centers of globalization and has been greatly affected by these changes.

 Positive aspects

Economic growth and development: China is growing economically on the international stage, emerging as a major player in the global market. Globalization has boosted China's exports and investment, improving the stability of the country's economy.

Technological innovation and cooperation: The advancement and sharing of global technology has contributed to the promotion of technological innovation in China. Through international cooperation, Chinese companies can learn and develop innovative technologies, which helps to enhance the global technology ecosystem.

Cultural exchange and understanding: Globalization promotes cultural exchange, and China has contributed to promoting cultural diversity by introducing its own culture to the world and embracing external cultures.

 Negative aspects

Rising inequality: China's economic growth has been associated with rising inequality, especially between urban and rural areas and between regions. This has led to a rise in social unrest and discontent.

Environmental degradation: Due to excessive industrialization and consumption, China is facing environmental problems. Air pollution and water scarcity are among the negative consequences of globalization.

Political tensions and conflicts: China's growing international influence has led to tensions and conflicts in international politics. With increasing interdependence, conflicts in international relations are becoming more pronounced.


Globalization has brought both positive and negative aspects to China. China's economic rise and technological advancement have made it a more important player on the world stage, but these changes have also created social and environmental challenges and international political tensions. In response, China will need to find a strategy to manage the negative effects of globalization while maximizing its benefits.

is China good for globalization?

 China and Globalization: Cooperation and Challenges

 Positive impacts

Economic growth: China has benefited greatly from growing economically by becoming more competitive in global markets and actively participating in international trade. This helps to improve the stability of the national economy and increase national income.

Participation in global supply chains: By actively participating in global production networks, China can strengthen cooperation with multinational companies and increase production and distribution efficiency. This leads to strength in international competition.

Technological innovation and joint research: Globalization provides China with a variety of opportunities for technological and research cooperation, and it has made innovative progress through joint research and technological cooperation internationally.

Challenging aspects

Global competition and pressure: As China becomes more economically powerful in the international arena, it faces increasing competition from other countries. This can lead to trade conflicts and conflicts in global economic policies, which can lead to international tensions.

Regional unrest and military tensions: China's growing international influence is causing tensions in its relations with its neighbors. Military tensions are on the rise, especially over maritime and regional disputes, posing challenges to international security.

Human rights and political conflicts: As China globalizes, it faces increasing international scrutiny and conflict over human rights issues and its political system. This has led to conflict with the international community and international criticism of China's human rights policies.


Globalization has allowed China to develop economically and gain a strong presence on the international stage. However, there are also challenges and conflicts, and China will need to overcome these challenges through cooperation and dialogue with the international community to maximize the benefits of globalization on the basis of mutual cooperation.


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