Extra credit blog: China and globalization /Yunjin Lee

 "Is globalization good for China? And is China good for globalization?"

 The debate on "Is globalization good for China and is China good for globalization" is a multifaceted argument and the conclusion to this debate depends on various factors. Firstly, China as a nation has benefited tremendously from the impact of globalization in terms of access to global markets, increased trade, and economic growth. China's integration into the global SCM (Supply Chain Management) processes escalated the operations of the manufacturing sector in the nation, improved the living standards of the locals, and contributed to increased job creation. Contrary to this, numerous criticisms and challenges are directly associated with the engagement of China as a nation in the global operation. China has been criticized for forced technology transfers, thefts of intellectual property, and trade practices that are unfair. Furthermore, there have been concerns about the effect of the rapidly growing industrialization in the nation and the impact on the environment. Consequently, the influence of China on a geo-political scale has also raised concerns about the authentic intentions of the nation with countries like the US viewing China as a potential threat to the international power dynamics.

 Economist.com (2022), reveals a podcast that evaluated the argument proposed by officials from China who believe that the current ideals of the world order are influenced by Western nations and that these ideals are not universal. Ideally, this podcast provided interesting insights into this debate by rationalizing whether universal ideals or values exist (Economist.com, 2022). Secondly, Economist.com (2016), clearly explains how China benefited from globalization. Some of the benefits of globalization to China include (1) economic benefits, and (2) market and trade access through membership in global trading organizations like the WTO (World Trade Organization) that helped in reducing the barriers to China entering other regions for trade. Moreover, Economist.com (2022) informed that China has also benefited by being the global hub for most of the international manufacturing activities. 

 Despite the benefits of globalization to China, the nation has faced increased criticism over the forced transfer of technology to other nations, intellectual property theft, and unfair trading practices. Consequently, China has also been accused of its silent goal of shaping the global structures and governance systems to suit its interests. Ideally, this has led to increased concerns about the international dynamics of power. Furthermore, the recent COVID-19 healthcare pandemic which was traced back to originating from China, had a significant impact on describing the impact and role of China in globalization. However, the response and how China handled this outbreak, have influenced how China is perceived in terms of its ability to manage international crises. 

 In summary, it is proper to conclude this debate that globalization has had both negative and positive impacts on the country. Ideally, the role of China in globalization has advantages and disadvantages in shaping the international community. Therefore, globalization is good for China and China is also good for globalization but to a certain extent. 


'The Economist'




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