Extra credit reading and blog idea—Living in an à la carte world_Jiwon PARK

 European Council on Foreign Relations (ECFR), based on a public opinion poll conducted in September and October 2023 in 11 European countries. The report explores the concept of living in an "à la carte world," focusing on individual choices and preferences across various aspects of life. This survey offers valuable insights into evolving societal attitudes and decision-making processes in today's dynamic global landscape. For detailed findings and analysis, referring directly to the report would provide a comprehensive understanding of the survey's implications

The ECFR's global opinion poll, as reflected in the report "Living in an à la carte world," highlights intriguing aspects:

Soft Power Perception: The survey indicates that Europe and America are perceived as more attractive and possess more admirable values (soft power) than China and Russia. This insight into global perceptions suggests ongoing dynamics in international relations and the influence of soft power on global preferences[1].

Global Desire for Western Influence: The ECFR's poll reveals that individuals outside the Western world express a desire to have Europe and the U.S. play a significant role in their lives, appreciating what these regions have to offer. This sentiment raises questions about the impact of Western values and influence on a global scale[2].

Influence on Policymakers: The report's coverage in various media sources, such as the Europe Daily News, emphasizes the relevance of these findings for European policymakers. Understanding the preferences and perceptions revealed in the survey can inform strategic decision-making at the political level[3].


europeanmoments.com - Living in an à la carte world

soundcloud.com - Living in an à la carte world: What European policymakers should learn from global public opinion

mayerbrown.com - Europe Daily News, 21 November 2023


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