Online blog writing assignment 3/ “What is the relation between politics and globalization?” /Yunjin Lee

1) Summary

 The creative and thought-provoking work by Chris Rumford and Gerard Delanty on the concept of "Political Globalization", provides a candid analysis of the political issues in the sphere of globalization. The authors examine the political institutions and processes that are transformed or influenced within the globalization context. Ideally, this article evaluates the evolving power dynamics, global governance, networks of the political systems, impacts of global movements, and the important function of global organizations. Moreover, both Rumford and Delanty highlighted the challenges and complexities that are posed by politicizing globalization for instance issues like inequality, democracy, and sovereignty. Consequently, this research provides key insights into how the concept of globalization is responsible for reconfiguring and shaping the political processes and structures of the various global scales from the local to the global perspectives. 

2) Interesting point

 One of the most interesting or valuable contributions by Chris Rumford and Gerard Delanty in this article is the issue of "political cosmopolitanism". Ideally, Rumford and Delanty proposed the argument that political organizations have contributed to the recent emergence of the international political community which goes beyond the traditional state versus national boundaries. This new concept challenges the traditional understanding of jow ghe national borders and local politics are highly interdependent or interconnected with the political institutions and actors on the international scale. Additionally, this research explored how the issue of "political cosmopolitanism" may foster participatory and inclusive forms of international governance while addressing some of the imminent political conflicts and tensions that may eventually transpire in navigating diverse political interests and traditions. Therefore, political cosmopolitanism offers an interesting perspective into how politics is evolving on the international level.

3) The point of discussion

 Finally, one of the discussion angles or research questions that may be evaluated further from the findings in this research includes the overall implications of "political globalization" on the less privileged, disadvantaged, or marginalized communities. Ideally, while Rumford and Delanty focus on evaluating the evolving dynamics of the important function of international governance and power dynamics, there is a need to provide an in-depth analysis of the role of how political globalization may escalate the current power imbalances and inequalities. For instance, by addressing how the minor or disadvantaged groups are impacted by the process of globalization, analyzing the important function of global corporations and the elites in the global economy in eventually shaling the international politics. Moreover, there is a need for research that could highlight the strategies that could promote equitable and inclusive participation on global politics in the international world. Finally, research into these new issues raised from the findings by Rumford and Delanty will go a long way in helping to complement the impact of political globalization for the disadvantaged groups.


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