What is the relation between politics and globalization?--SU YIQI

   By reviewing the literature, we find that the research on political globalization actually started relatively early. There were articles on this issue from the 1990s, and the main research focused on 2000 to 2005. Recently, there were few domestic studies on political globalization.

   Whether globalization is economic globalization or comprehensive globalization, different from economic globalization, scholars are basically cautious when talking about political globalization. The academic circle has not found an accurate definition of political globalization, and the research on political globalization still focuses on its meaning analysis, expression and influence. Scholars generally admit that, based on the development of economic globalization, there are indeed trends and manifestations of political globalization, but scholars hold different attitudes on the degree of political globalization and its impact on international politics.

     Globalization has certainly changed the world, and so has national sovereignty. No one seems to disagree. However, there are still different opinions on how globalization has affected the world political pattern and whether the transformation of national sovereignty has promoted the development of globalization mode.

 In short, political globalization will, and indeed will, begin almost simultaneously with the process of economic globalization. It is precisely because of this that political globalization is based on the above three levels of economic globalization, and it is also gradually unfolding in three levels: (1) the globalization of political resources, (2) the globalization of democratic political systems, and (3) the globalization of multi-inclusive states. Further analysis shows that although the formation of multi-inclusive state globalization can be directly attributed to the globalization of democratic political system, it is essentially the result of economic factors such as the globalization of market economic system and the globalization of multi-ownership structure. The concept of globalization points in one direction, and only one direction: the space for economic activity is expanding; It transcends the nation-state and so importantly the space for political control is also expanding

  Political globalization manifests itself in many aspects of today's international politics. The establishment of international organizations such as the United Nations and international courts and their role in international affairs can even take military action. Such as the Somali convoy, the Iraq War, terrorism and so on are the manifestations of political globalization. In short, it is a question of human rights and sovereignty. Human rights are borderless, and the international community believes that human rights are above sovereignty. The international community has the right to intervene against the dictatorial acts of a government that violate the human rights of its people. But this is often used as an excuse to interfere in other countries' internal affairs.

    The work of the United Nations is the embodiment of a growing and deepening process of political globalization, which is the interconnectedness and cooperation of all countries' political activities." 

    Different from economic globalization, political globalization is directly related to major political issues such as national sovereignty, and political globalization is bound to weaken national sovereignty. However, judging from the history of the entire world, political globalization is still qualitatively westernized and capitalist, and some scholars hold a pessimistic attitude towards it.

   To a certain extent, the process of political globalization is also led and promoted by Western developed countries led by the United States, which inevitably lays a brand of humanism, spreads Western political concepts and value principles, and exerts negative influences and negative effects on China's socialist political development that cannot be ignored. It can be said that in the process of globalization, Always accompanied by political subversion and anti-subversion struggle. Scholars have the following views on the performance and impact of political globalization

  Point: First of all, many scholars hold a negative attitude towards it.

  First, "political globalization" is not only "political integration", but also includes various forms of conflict and confrontation. Second, the role of the international coordinating force should not be overestimated, and the prospect of its development should not be overly optimistic. Thirdly, regarding the nature of international organizations and the role of international coordinating forces, it can be said that in the process of globalization, political subversion and anti-subversion struggle have always been accompanied.

  Scholars have the following views on the performance and impact of political globalization Points:

  First, "political globalization" is not only "political integration", but also includes various forms of conflict and confrontation. Second, the role of the international coordinating force should not be overestimated, and the prospect of its development should not be overly optimistic. Third, the nature of international organizations and the role of international coordinating forces cannot be simply generalized. (Ye Wenming, 2001) Political globalization means that under the development trend of world economic globalization, countries in the world are increasingly interdependent, the whole world is increasingly connected, and global problems appear in a series of important fields of international politics. The solution of all these problems cannot be completed by one country alone. The transnational cooperative solution of global problems defines and restricts the development direction of international politics. At the same time, with the increasing role of non-state entities such as international organizations and transnational corporations, traditional national sovereignty has been attacked. Originally, the domestic policy which was completely within the scope of national sovereignty and independence has been restricted by international treaties, and traditional sovereignty has been challenged by global issues.

  Many orthodox globalists exaggerate the loss of domestic power and the disintegration of national economies. While the power of the state still exists, it is widely accepted that national sovereignty has been compromised, at least to some extent, by the globalization of internal economics and politics. A direct consequence of global politics at least early on is that national territories are fixed in a more complex global context


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