What is the relationship between politics and globalization? CHENYUNLIN


 The universalization of national democratic models, the rise of a global normative culture, and the "civic socialization" of government structures are among three processes that are complex and sometimes contradictory. The spread of the national democratic model implies the identification and practice of democratic institutions, but it is not always perfectly compatible with the emergence of a global normative culture and the "civic socialization" of government structures.

 On the one hand, the universalization of national democratic models is a goal pursued by many countries in an attempt to enhance popular participation and political freedom through the establishment of democratic institutions. However, the rise of a global normative culture may in some cases pose challenges to national sovereignty and cultural values, as it may tend to promote universal values, sometimes in conflict with local culture and traditions.

 On the other hand, "civic socialization" of the government structure means cooperation and interaction between the government and civil society, encouraging citizens to participate in decision-making and social affairs. However, in some countries, the implementation of the national democratic model may lead to excessive concentration of power by the government, reducing the influence and autonomy of civil society.

Interesting point

 I think the influence of global normative culture on the promotion of national democratic model. A global normative culture may influence countries through the dissemination of universal values (such as human rights, democracy, equality, etc.), but whether such universal values are compatible with local cultures and traditions, and how to balance universal values with local characteristics, is a very interesting and challenging issue.


 Will the spread of democratic models and the emergence of a global culture of norms reinforce or contradict each other?


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