Reading Assignment 1:What is Globalization?(ZHANG BIGNYI)

 1) Summarize the materials:

Globalization refers to the process of increasingly intensive flows and interactions of goods, services, capital, information, and culture on a global scale. It strengthens ties between countries through technological advancement, transportation facilities, and international cooperation. Economically, globalization promotes international trade and investment; culturally, it accelerates cross-cultural exchanges but also brings concerns about cultural homogenization. The benefits of globalization include economic growth, technology sharing, and more cultural choices, but it also comes with challenges such as the widening gap between rich and poor, increasing environmental problems, and the loss of local culture.

2) Interesting things learned:

A new and interesting point is that globalization is not just a modern phenomenon; its origins can be traced back to ancient trade networks such as the Silk Road. At the same time, technology has played a great role in promoting globalization, especially the development of the Internet and digital communication technology, which has allowed information to spread instantly around the world.

3) Questions and discussion angles:

Has globalization led to a more equitable distribution of resources, or has it exacerbated the global North-South gap?

This is a question worth exploring, because although developed countries have benefited greatly from globalization, many developing countries seem to have failed to benefit equally and even face problems such as resource outflows or economic dependence.

Focus: How can environmental globalization challenges (such as climate change) be more effectively solved through global cooperation?

At present, the international community still has insufficient cooperation on environmental issues. We can further discuss how to achieve sustainable development within the framework of globalization.

Discussion perspective: Does globalization threaten the diversity of local cultures?

Although globalization has enhanced cultural transmission, some people believe that it has led to the overexpansion of Western culture and weakened local traditional culture, which may require further analysis and resolution.


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