Assignment 1 / What is globalization? / YUE JUNTONG


Globalization refers to the rapid development and continuous intensification of complex interrelationships among different societies, cultures, institutions and individuals on a global scale, thus forming an interconnected and interdependent complete unity. Because of the compression of time and space, the world becomes smaller and, in a sense, brings people closer together; people experience a sense of global spatial closeness. This process, in turn, extends social relations and shifts the ties of our daily lives from a regional context to a global one. Globalization has become a decisive factor in many areas of cultural, political and economic life, and the rapid expansion of economic and cultural networks operating on a global scale has begun. It is changing the mechanisms of our daily lives.

One of the significant changes brought about by globalization to human civilization is the cultural exchange and interaction among nations and countries, which have various ways of communication and multiple contents. At the heart of globalization is the emergence of communication technologies and media networks that enable faster and more intensive transactions, travel, and interactions worldwide. At the same time, globalization has made it possible for a community or a nation-state to be defined not simply by physical boundaries but by communication networks and symbolic boundaries.

The debate over media globalization has focused on political sovereignty and the right to communicate. The developing countries generally emphasized the importance of the political power of communication. In contrast, the developed countries called on the international community to recognize the right of people to seek information and to express their ideas freely. In the case of globalization, transnational communication has changed the pattern of the world media industry, and acquisition and merger have become apparent trends in the development of the international media industry. Globally operating media companies can be used in every corner of the globe, and different media programs are available worldwide. In particular, the rise and maturity of satellite television so that the circulation of media products beyond the national border synchronously flows to other countries. Global programming is also on the rise, with more and more people becoming the audience of international media.


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