blog assignment 1 - What is globalization? : Hyojun Kim(김효준)


This article includes the concept of 'globalization', methods of analysis, and various arguments. This word with the word world covers a huge range. This is because it contains not one country but the world's culture and political orientation.

'Globalization' has different atmospheres of interpretation from country to country, era, and scholars.

But globalization is a bridge from the past to the present. This allows analysis to proceed, define concepts, repeat modifications, and move forward.

Therefore, 'globalization' includes society, culture, politics, and economy, and the analysis of globalization will continue in the future.


What was most interesting about reading this article is Hopkins 'globalization' within 'globalization'. He said that the positive impact of 'globalization' is that it can be interested in the way of 'globalizatio'n that connects history and the present.

I could sense this as an irony.

This is because the next article describes the interrelationship between 'local identity' and the state as paradoxical.

It can be seen from this article that it has been compressed more than the simple concept of 'globalization'.

Discussion point

1. What do you think is the positive impact you have had on your country through 'globalization'? 

Through 'globalization', the cultures of many countries entered my country, Korea, and I think I was able to experience various things through this. For example, McDonald's and Starbucks, which are much talked about earlier.


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