Blog Assignment 3: "What is the relation between politics and globalization?" -LI LINLIN

(1)Political globalization is an approach that involves the social world, emphasizes post-national and transnational processes, and recognizes the compressibility of time and space. In the literature on political globalization, the decline of nation-states under the influence of global forces is the focus. Political globalization has also had a very different impact on different groups of people. Political globalization has three processes: global geopolitics, global normative culture and polycentric network, which interact to produce a complex global political sphere.

Political globalization has not weakened democratic nation-states, which is what has allowed them to gain acceptance around the world. In many parts of the world, democratic nation-states have given rise to very different political cultures and are the basis of the so-called "new world order." The state used to be the main driver of the norms of globalization, but today globalization is more dominant. For politics, this means that political struggle and political legitimacy are increasingly linked to questions of globalization. This means that the anti-public and the country will be affected by it.

The concept of civil society is controversial, and for the time being it is only a political realm between the state and the market, in which informal political activity takes place. On a global scale, this amounts to a new space outside the national and intergovernmental spheres, independent of global capital. Formed around international non-governmental organizations, various grassroots organizations and various social movements. A striking feature of global civil society is that it is central and not based on any single organizing principle.

To become a global power, in other words, the state becomes more dispersed, it is no longer so easily defined in terms of territory or political community. States are more flexible in responding to globalization, and more flexible than nation states. So globalization has put enormous pressure on the nation state. The relationship between legal violence. The resulting nation-state crisis is evident in the shift in nationality.

Perhaps more than any other development, the concept of civil society symbolized the political potential of globalization and marked the beginning of top-down globalization. The "civic socialization" of politics implies the commonality of political forms, linking local and global, national and transnational, and mobilizing a range of actors around common political norms.

When considering the importance of global civil society to contemporary thinking about the globalization of politics, it is sometimes difficult to separate fact from rhetoric: the hopes and aspirations embedded in the idea of global civil society often lead to exaggerations of its importance. The claim by Mary Robinson, former UN High Commissioner for Human Rights, reflects the fact that, for many, the importance of civil society to political globalization lies in its potential to organize against capitalism and/or US global hegemony. 

And there is hope that global civil society can address the contradictory trends that have become central to the globalization experience. The relationship between globalization and new political Spaces and borders revolves around two key spatial dynamics. First, network society is composed of flowing space, and there is tension between flowing space and place space. Second, there is a growing emphasis on mobility, flow and networking, which either connect existing places in novel ways or represent emerging forms of space. 

The focus on new Spaces and new forms of connectivity leads to the recognition that space is an integral part of social and political relations, not just a given territory.If we think of globalization as a social transformation, that is, a transformation of the nature of society, its relationship to the state and its citizens, then we must rethink the nature and meaning of political space and borders. In short, the realignment of political scales caused by globalization has led to a major assessment of the role and significance of borders and space in political construction.


(2)Interesting argument: Globalization can strengthen democracy, but it can also divide it by transferring autonomy to capitalism.

Susan strange's most famous idea: Countries have been replaced by global markets. As the world economy comes into play from new economic forces, challenge the power of the nation state, the power of the nation state. Most countries are not fighting for territorial control of other countries, but for control of businesses. This situation is also very common in China. Recently, thanks to the comments of a Chinese anchor, there has been a craze in China to help revive domestic products. But gradually people found that some of the former Chinese enterprises, the representative product enterprises of China in people's memory, have long been acquired by foreign capital. In addition, some foreign-funded enterprises will register some product names of domestic enterprises in advance, forcing the original enterprises to change the new name. Thus misleading consumers. Of course, domestic companies also engage in such unethical behavior.


(3)The claim by Mary Robinson, former UN High Commissioner for Human Rights, in the article reflects the fact that, for many, the importance of civil society to political globalization lies in its potential to organize against capitalism and/or US global hegemony. Can civil society resist US global hegemony on its own? Or will a new, non-American global hegemony emerge in the process?


  1. In response to your question, while civil society has potential in resisting U.S. global hegemony, the emergence of a new, non-American global hegemony as a result of this resistance is less certain and remains a complex issue, entangled with broader dynamics of political globalization.


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