Blog Assignment 3: "What is the relation between politics and globalization?" - CHO MINSEOK

1. summary of the content

Political Globalization is defined as the interconnected organization of space and time across borders, focusing on postnational and transnational processes. Key aspects include the decline of the nation-state due to global forces, the emergence of transnational networks and flows, de- and reterritorialization processes, and the tension between emancipatory possibilities and loss of autonomy. It encompasses three core processes: Global Geopolitics, Global Normative Culture, and Polycentric Networks.

Spread of Democracy and Global Geopolitics

Democracy, as a pervasive form, has seen a worldwide spread, even demanded in areas where it is absent, such as China. Since the post-Soviet Union era, democracy is viewed as a universally acceptable government form. Global Geopolitics involves the U.S.'s bid for worldwide supremacy, legitimating global wars, and facing challenges from other centers of power.

Global Normative Culture

Human Rights and Environmental Concerns are central to global cosmopolitanism and have an influence beyond Western norms. Global Political Communication transcends national borders, with national politics being influenced by global discourses.

Polycentric Networks

Nonterritorial Politics involve forms of global governance that are emerging, highlighting the United Nations versus the notion of a global civil society. Global Civil Society is the political domain between state and market, including INGOs, grassroots organizations, and social movements.

Transformation of Nation-State, Nationality, and Citizenship

The Nation-State continues but transforms, with states being powerful but not fully in control, exemplified by the European Union’s regulatory governance. The decoupling processes involve a distinction between nationality and citizenship, and between nationhood and statehood.

Public Sphere and Political Communication

The Transformation of Communication includes the emergence of a global public discourse and the framing of political communication by global issues. Global Normative Culture influences changes in political communication.

Central Role of Civil Society

The 'Civil Societalization' of Politics involves politics being informed by global culture and the rise of new actors and governance structures. Global Civil Society challenges the institutional hegemony of nation-states and global capitalism, with contradictions between globalization tendencies and respect for differences.

Spaces and Borders

Spatial Dynamics involve new forms of political organization beyond national borders and the rescaling of politics due to globalization. The 'Spatial Turn' in Social Sciences highlights the importance of space in social and political relations and the emergence of new political spaces and opportunities for rebordering.

2. Interesting point

In the context of 'Spaces and Borders' within political globalization, the concept of the 'Spatial Turn' in social sciences is crucial. This approach emphasizes the role of space in social and political dynamics, recognizing that space actively shapes social relations and political processes. The European migrant crisis, extensively covered by major news outlets such as BBC and The Guardian, exemplifies the significance of borders in current geopolitics. It highlights how border policies affect migration flows, political relations, and national identities. Globalization has led to the creation of new political spaces beyond traditional national borders, including digital communication spaces and supranational entities like the European Union. The European Union, as discussed in various research papers and major publications like The Economist, is a prime example of how political spaces are redefined, shifting from defined national territories to broader regions with shared governance and economic systems.

The process of rebordering, a dynamic redrawing of borders in terms of identity, culture, and economic interactions, is also significant. The Brexit referendum, reported by sources like Reuters and Financial Times, is a pivotal case of rebordering. This event illustrates the redrawing of political, economic, and cultural borders, impacting everything from trade to individual identities. In conclusion, the examination of 'Spaces and Borders' in political globalization reveals the complex interplay between geographical spaces and political boundaries. The fluidity and complexity of these concepts are exemplified by the European Union's expansion and the UK's Brexit, demonstrating how spaces and borders are continually reshaped by broader geopolitical shifts and changing national and supranational identities.

3. Discussion

Discussion Point

The 'civil societalization' of politics indicates a shift where political processes are increasingly shaped by a global normative culture, transcending traditional nation-state boundaries. This phenomenon suggests a reconfiguration of the political landscape, where non-governmental actors gain unprecedented influence in shaping global policies and ideologies.

Discussion Question

Considering the 'civil societalization' of politics, how does the rise of transnational non-governmental organizations (NGOs) and other global civil society actors challenge traditional notions of state sovereignty and political power structures? Furthermore, in what ways might this shift towards a globally influenced civil society either enhance or undermine the efficacy of democratic processes within nation-states, especially in the context of maintaining a balance between local autonomy and global interdependence?


  1. The rise of transnational non-governmental organizations (NGOs) on the issue of climate change is a prime example of a challenge to national sovereignty. For example, international environmental organizations such as Greenpeace and others calling for action on climate change are playing a role in influencing the internal affairs of countries.

    Climate change is an issue that has implications beyond national borders, and responses to it require cooperation among nations. However, there are many differences of opinion among nations, and national economic and political interests make it difficult to reach consensus. In response, transnational environmental NGOs are facilitating the resolution of environmental issues beyond national sovereignty by raising international issues and calling for cooperation between countries.

    The work of transnational environmental organizations supports cooperation among nations and is helping to build international consensus on the issue of climate change. At the same time, however, nations often resist this international pressure based on their own interests and political circumstances. This is an example of the tension between national sovereignty and the international community.


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