In Class Discussion : Can this model work in Asia? Could one day we see an "Asian Union"? - Han Jiseung

 An "Asian Union" will be difficult to make. The reasons why I thought about this are as follows.

1. Interregional distance

Asia is big. It's very big. This distance has varied Asia from the birth of civilization era in the past to the present, but at the same time, it has also made it difficult to feel a sense of homogeneity as a citizen of the same continent. Therefore, there is a possibility that a smaller alliance between East Asia, Southeast Asia, and South Asia will be created rather than the Asian Federation as a whole, but it will be difficult to create an Asian Federation as a whole.

2. Cultural acceptance

Unlike the case of Europe, Asian countries are known to have very low acceptance of other cultures. Even in the case of Korea, it is very exclusive to migrants from other Asian countries. I think this is a tradition that has been maintained for hundreds or thousands of years in various cultures (especially in East Asia). Therefore, it will be difficult to expect an active union like the case of Europe to form a coalition in the current generation of Asia.

3. political reasons 

Let's ask to Asians, "If you were to create an Asian Union, which country and city should the HQ be located in?" I expect there will be a lot of debate about selecting the right place. In the case of Japan, nearest neighbot Korea has been opposed to becoming a permanent member of the UN Security Council for years. Political concessions will also be needed to form a coalition with each other, which will not be easy in modern Asia.

Therefore, the launch of the "Asian Union" will be difficult for these reasons, and even if the Asian Union is launched, it will be difficult to remain as solid as the European Union for a long time.

But as one of the Asians, I also hope that countries in Asia, a continent with large populations and resources, will find a way to unite wisely.


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