Extra credit blog: China and globalization _ Choyena

 "Is globalization good for China? And is China good for globalization?"

The viewpoints differ because the evaluation of globalization is divided into many different ways. But I think my opinion is negative. Since China's globalization, environmental problems have become more serious. Economically, even if it has achieved great growth by entering the international market and increasing exports, it is facing air and water pollution. Because of this, neighboring countries are suffering a lot and are being criticized a lot. 

China's Ministry of Environmental Protection reported that one-third of China's groundwater surface water is not suitable for human contact. Toxins and waste said that half of China's precipitation was contaminated with toxins and waste, and the number of deaths from air pollution was estimated to be more than 1 million per year. Therefore, I don't think that China and globalization are in a good relationship under the current situation.


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