Blog Assignment 2: What is the relation between culture and globalization? - MENGRU LI


The first part of the article emphasizes the multi-level, complex, and rapid development characteristics of globalization, including economy, politics, technology Beyond the realm of environment and culture. In terms of cultural globalization, emphasis is placed on the profound influence of culture, viewing culture as a significant factor in human life. Cultural globalization not only includes product dissemination, but also includes viewing culture as a global connectivity. The author simplifies globalization to economic causality. Oppose and emphasize that the economy cannot be separated from the influence of culture, which is the fundamental background for the formation and development of human subjectivity. The theoretical preface emphasizes the importance of understanding globalization from a cultural perspective. Cultural globalization involves reflexivity in modern life, which is crucial for understanding the situation of globalization.

The second part investigates the speculation that globalization may lead to a single global culture, especially in the economic sector where integrated systems seem to support this trend. Globalization exhibits consistency in certain aspects. For example, restricting ethnic countries from entering the global market and environmental issues becoming global challenges, but the impact of globalization is not uniform in all aspects, but rather social, political, and It should be pointed out that there is a trend of fragmentation in culture. When discussing cultural globalization, it is emphasized that cultural products cannot be confused with cultural practices themselves. At the same time, the article also points out that globalization is a "global culture" Pay attention to possible globalization, emphasize that globalization may be a form of cultural imperialism, and finally examine globalization from a historical perspective, citing Marx's description of future society, emphasizing the possibility of global cultural projection coexisting with other humanistic visions. He emphasized the need to avoid debate and imagine deeper levels of hermeneutic distance, intelligence, and emotions.

The third part first raises the question of speculation about the utopia and dystopia of global cultural unity. Because they are not suitable for predicting actual cultural development. In addition, this article also proposes more promising methods to address cultural globalization. That is to say, By understanding the impact of globalization on specific regions, the concept of "de evolution" is emphasized. This concept points out that locality is being eroded, and culture is no longer limited by the local environment, but is being influenced globally. Through the rapid development of electronic media and communication technology, globalization has an impact on local culture. The impact is more pronounced, forming a "remote media" of culture, which has become very important in modern life, forming our views on lifestyle and values. This article argues that globalized remote media has had a positive impact on culture, and cultural openness, I think this can promote the development of interpersonal relationships and global moral responsibility.

The fourth part highlights the urgency of global cultural and political thought, advocating for reconciliation between cultural differences and the global human "community". The author believes that the core cultural and political issues brought about by globalization lie in the "divisive legacy" of modernity, namely the conflict between human rights and cultural differences. Furthermore, the article proposes to make some progress in cultural politics by addressing the issue of cultural identity. Finally, an understanding of cosmopolitanism was proposed, stating that human rights can simultaneously support cultural differences and universal justice, constructing a flexible cosmopolitan identity stance. The ultimate call for flexibility in cultural concepts highlights the urgent need to address the diverse world of the future.

Interesting point

I think it's interesting about the application of globalization's "deindustrialization" in daily life, but our unintentional actions are signals of cultural change and also confirm our growing daily dependence on electronic media and communication technology and systems.


The author mentions that consumer activity is a component of global market connectivity, affecting the employment, natural resource consumption, and ecological fate of workers in remote areas. What specific impacts will cultural factors in consumer shopping decisions have on globalization?


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