Blog Assignment 3: What is the relation between politics and globalization? - YIHUA WANG


  In the exploration of political globalization, its multidimensional, accelerating, and interrelated characteristics are emphasized. Among them, the global geopolitical dimension focuses on the global dissemination of democratic systems as a widely accepted form of governance, rather than leading to national decline. The dimension of global normative culture includes human rights and environmental issues, independent of geopolitical existence. With global dissemination and cultural flow, political communication tends to transcend national borders and have a profound impact on national politics. In addition, a multi center network characterizes a non territorial political form that involves networks and flows from multiple locations, and is interrelated with global governance forms. These three dimensions are intertwined, building a complex, conflicted, and mobile global political network, paving the way for the emerging global political order.

Interesting point

  The author delves into three key aspects of political globalization, highlighting the transformation rather than disappearance of countries in globalization. The discourse emphasizes the decoupling between nationality and citizenship, and points out that the influence of global normative culture has led to the blurring of the boundaries between national law and international law, gradually deconstructing the relationship between nationality and citizenship rights. In addition, there has been in-depth discussion on the transformation of nation states, with some views suggesting that the state has been replaced by the global market, while others believe that the rise of global civil society has led to multi-party governance. Overall, nation states have adapted to the new political landscape. In terms of public sphere and political communication, the rise of the global public sphere has been emphasized, replacing the position of the national public sphere. Political globalization has brought about changes in political communication and interaction, in which global normative culture plays a leading role and is disseminated by various social entities.


  Political globalization has triggered a series of challenges. Firstly, the impact on the nation state has sparked contradictions and doubts about democracy. Secondly, the dissemination of global normative culture has driven individualization and fragmentation, but it also faces criticism of core values. Finally, the rise of multi center networks and global civil society has brought governance opportunities, but it may also lead to instability and abuse of power. These issues collectively shape the complex situation of political globalization, prompting us to rethink the definition of political space and boundaries.


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