Blog Assignment 4: What is the relation between economy and globalization? - YIHUA WANG


  Emphasized the importance of multinational corporations in the global economy. It emphasizes the diversity and global activities of multinational corporations, pointing out that they are the main participants in the global economy. The article mentions that the development of multinational corporations is a part of economic globalization, with their numbers increasing exponentially over the past few decades, from historical franchising companies to modern manufacturing companies. The article also introduces the scale and geographical distribution of multinational corporations, pointing out their important position in the global economy, especially in foreign direct investment. Finally, the article mentions that multinational corporations come in various forms and sizes, including global corporations and smaller multinational corporations.

Interesting point

  The main motivations for multinational corporations are market orientation and asset orientation. Market orientation emphasizes expansion and is suitable for saturated or restricted domestic markets, while asset orientation emphasizes the utilization of unevenly distributed natural and human resources. Cross border expansion methods include green space investment and strategic cooperation, with strategic alliances forming new business relationships. This highlights the diversity of global expansion for enterprises and is a new business competition model.


  In a fiercely competitive environment, it has become crucial for enterprises to decide whether to make their own products or purchase from outside, and the relationship between multinational corporations and suppliers faces challenges such as delivery pressure and price decline. The article emphasizes the diversity of multinational production networks and the importance of regional strategies, but also points out the complex relationships between multinational corporations and countries, social organizations, and the impact of international regulation on them. In this complex context, although multinational corporations play a crucial role in the global economy, their actions are limited by various factors.


  1. Hello.I read your article and I think you rightly highlight the intricate web of relationships between multinationals, countries, social organizations and international regulations, and the constraints on multinationals' actions in this complex context.


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