Extra credit blog / Living in an à la carte world / Choi sieon

  "Living in an à la carte world"

The article is explain necessity for European countries to adapt their geopolitical approach in a rapidly changing world. It highlights the challenges faced by Europe, emphasizing the lack of sufficient hard power to protect its interests and values in global conflicts. It touches on the impact of conflicts like Russia's actions in Ukraine and the Israel-Hamas conflict on Europe, underscoring the need for a more autonomous geopolitical stance. The paragraph suggests that while some advocate aligning closely with the US, others promote 'strategic autonomy', both of which have their limitations. It proposes a concept of "strategic interdependence" that recognizes Europe's need for interdependence while enhancing its geopolitical role. The paragraph concludes by urging European policymakers to explore new partnerships in an evolving geopolitical landscape. 

In fact, I could see in articles that Germany and other European countries sided with Russia in the war in Ukraine. This was due to the fact that if Russia's cheap fossil fuels were to be controlled, there would be immediate problems with the lives of citizens. These interests cannot be ignored. On the contrary, it can be seen that Russia also gained a justification by targeting these areas. Of course, you wouldn't have expected that Europe would be all-time warm that winter and that the war against Ukraine would be this prolonged.

It is true that the United States has played the role of international police for a long time, but with the rise of China, the scale has been reduced. As a result, the war's deterrent has weakened. As a result, the long-term Russian war in Ukraine and the war in the Middle East began to take place. Europe moves strictly in accordance with its interests in this process. The same applies to the United States. Because of the Jews who hold the American economy firmly, either Palestine or Israel fully supports Israel. Europe is not much different.

In addition to these wars, it is necessary to observe the future actions of China and Russia. It is difficult to predict whether or not to cooperate with the liberal camp and which countries will cooperate with the socialist camp.


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